Tag Archives: seconds

Day 249: Seconds

If, like me, you love experimenting with seasonal produce, you know that can be an expensive venture. 

Enter seconds. 

I just learned about this. Apparently, when you go to the farmers market or produce stand, you can ask if there are “seconds” available. This means overripe or half-gone fruit that can be sold at lower prices (typically a minimum of half off). 

Which is how I ended up with a 30 pound crate of peaches in my kitchen.

photo (3)

And thus, #Peachapalooza begins. 

This seconds concept is pretty great for when you have no idea what you’re really doing, because if you screw things up entirely, you haven’t spent too much money. It’s also nice to feel like you’re helping food to not go to waste. 

And you get to have all sorts of fun. 

Fair warning: The crates of seconds will almost definitely have a huge mess of ants. I spent a lot of time on my knees with a spray bottle of vinegar and a roll of paper towels, committing mass genocide. If you have a front porch or some other outdoor area, leave the crate there and bring the peaches inside. Rinse them with the hose first if you’ve got one, which I don’t (Ah, apartment living). 

Also, if you have a compost pile, you’ll have plenty of additions. I know they make those covered compost buckets, but seriously, gross. 


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